This is my Portfolio for the first semester studying at the University of Winchester. I am studing Digital Media Design and i was given a range of different tasks. In the tasks i was given different things to think about such as Layout, Colour and influence from other desingers. This helped me to think about different ways to design and started making me think about the audience.
Influenced Designers
The next section is showing use of the influence from other designers. The image i have created is a remake of an Andy Wohort creation and i have used a Vans (shoe) to recreated this however i have used brighter colours taking advantage of colour bits and enhancing it to stand out. Below that is another Andy Worhort influence and i have taken an image and edited it to make it a Worhort representation.
Below is two sketches i have done and i have done this using my Ipad i went round the university and choose different location and tryed to sketch them on my Ipad. I have done one using colours and one as just a basic sketch.