Smartshop improves the way you go about your weekly shop. The business is essentially a smart shopping list app. The reason it is smart is because we wish to tie it in with connected homes and devices. To do this we will create an app that allows users to input a shopping list, this will then take the items and if deals are on in certain shops it will compare which shop would be cheapest and will advise you to shop at that shop. The app will become part of connected homes with devices such as Amazon Alexas and Google Homes this will allow the customer to add items to the shopping list without using a phone at all. For example, “Alexa ask Smartershop to add Potatoes to my general shopping list”. Smartershop will also create and provide supermarkets with phone holders with custom NFC Tags that open the app upon placing the devices in the holder meaning you never have to type your shopping list or open it. A further development of the app will use the camera to scan each barcode allowing you to total up your shop as you go around the supermarket. This can then be tied in with smart fitness devices such as Fitbit, where you can then add the item you have eaten in the week and it will know the calories and information as the item has already been scanned when in the shop.
Initial Ideas
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Website Designs View the wesbite at this address
Social Media Campaign
Click here to view Facebook Page
App Designs (Matt Rogers)
Hand Over
3D Model Development (Ruben Monteiro)
Hand Over 
Motion Graphic Advert Video
App Development (Ben Holden)
Please click the app below it is interactive
App Pitch

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